How we can help with

Lower Back Pain

As many as 84% of people will suffer from low back pain at some time in their life. Most experience this as a short but painful episode which resolves by itself, however, for others it can linger and become chronic.

Lower Back Pain treatments

What causes lower back pain?

Many treatments exist for this condition, with exercise and manual therapy such as osteopathy and physiotherapy being helpful for many. However, for an increasing number of people, these treatments only offer short lasting effects, and their pain continues for many years.

Research shows that this pain does not only affect the body, but also the brain. Changes to the areas of the brain associated with the low back – relating to both the control of muscles, and also how the brain perceives the area – have been consistently found in people with chronic low back pain. This includes a phenomenon known as “central sensitisation”.

magnetic stimulation therapy for Lower Back Pain

How does magnetic stimulation therapy help?

Each body area corresponds to a specific brain region that monitors it for damage. When injury is detected, pain is produced to encourage healing. Normally, pain stops once the injury heals, but sometimes it persists despite minimal damage. Traditional treatments struggle to reverse this, but Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (MST) can target the brain area controlling the affected body part, potentially providing long-lasting relief. This is also believed to be the reason for the long lasting effects of MST.

Is magnetic stimulation treatment effective?

Is magnetic stimulation treatment effective?

Several studies have found MST effective in reducing pain and improving function in chronic low back pain patients, especially when combined with exercise. A 2017 paper showed beneficial brain changes in areas related to the low back, suggesting MST impacts more than just muscles. Patients reported long-lasting improvements after treatment.

MST also induces multiple muscle contractions, mimicking movement without pain, helping the area tolerate movement better by breaking the movement = pain pattern. A 2018 study found significant improvement in daily activities for acute low back pain patients after MST.

MST is incredibly safe and painless, with fewer risks than traditional shockwave therapy.